Bogor Bound

It was a hectic week for both of us and sort of spontaneous trip without planning before.
we decided to go to Bogor,it was suppose to be a day trip but it ended up to be a 2 days and one night trip.

Seems Jakartans and everyone has the same idea like us when we drove by crazy traffic leaving Jakarta . with Fajar behind the wheels I hold on for dear life as he sped up.
Four of us Fajar,Helda,and I made it safely to Bogor just in time for late lunch (thank to the boys who are always late we were behind schedule) .

First Stop Kedai Kita

Its been our favorite café since ardy first trip to Bogor ,so we went back there for the second time.
I tried their baked spaghetti the last time we went there and it was awful ,so I don’t want to set the bar to high this time and opted for Hotplate noodle with ox tongue and everyone had same as well. Turns out the food was still awful .
Pia Apple Pie
Just across kedai kita we head to our next stop ,the shop itself feels homey with old colonial buildings and open space we bought our dessert there, Ardy picked apple pie and chocolate pie for him and I chose rum cheese pie and meat pie. It was heavenly.

We didn’t realize it was already late in the evening and we wanted to go to De Voyage (I) wanted to go there. I didn’t know that Bogor is a change place now,gone is the days with no traffic and breezy feelings now all we felt was touristy and quite chaotic.

We were stuck in traffic and we decided to have some bites in Peppino café ,
The café style is colonial building with huge pillars and overlooking the Salak mountain, we arrived in the nick of time of Live Band there. We had milkshakes and finger food as we still feel full.

After a while I beg to Ardy that we needed to spend the night in Bogor because it was already late. Ardy agreed after I persuaded him with puss in boots eyes (lol) and I booked in d’anaya hotel last minutes.
After checked in The Hotel,the boys were tired and chose to stay at the Hotel whilst Helda and I explored the area, it was almost 10 pm when we went to dse Factory outlet and bought some clothes for the boys. We ended the night by eating in nasi goring in front of the hotel area.

Second Day.
Rise and Shine !
I woke up too early this morning and I remembered how I used to run in Sempur when I was living there. I reminisce the days when my (then) boyfriend used to picked me up in the early morning to spend the Sunday with him starting by running in sempur field.
Helda was awake too, so me and her went to sempur by grab as its quite far from the hotel where we stay  We were lucky because when we arrived we saw the traditional ceremony involving the mayor of Bogor. After walking a bit we went for culinary experience around sempur.
I bought cireng (I swear the best cireng in the world is only in Bogor) and helda bought baso goreng.
Suddenly we saw “pasar kaget” in the area and we went shopping there ,we bought a lot of cheap stuff and we were very happy with that, we also bought the boys porridge for breakfast before we head back to the hotel.

After breakfast we took a cat nap and we checked out of the Hotel heading to De Voyage.

It was ardy’s turn to drive there and he was lucky because there was not much traffic as yesterday.
We arrived just in time for lunch and I chose Rumah Air restaurant .
The service was slow and not that good but the food taste quite nice,we ordered ikan bamboo,cumi mentega and also rice ,we did ordered kangkung but until last minute they didn’t serve it to us.

After lunch it was already 5 pm and we thought its already too late to go to De Voyage that’s next door to Rumah Air so we didn’t go and we drove back home.

Bogor will always have a place in my heart,and it feels so good to be able to share my Bogor with my loved ones.


  1. We have to go back to Bogor. Factory outlet near the hotel also so cheap. So many cute choices there. But, we need to save money before shopping there. :')))


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